Last night (27th Jan 2019), I went to the sold out Stick To Your Guns and Terror show, put on by Destroy All Lines. 550 hardcore fans crammed into Crowbar on a hot and humid summer night can only mean one thing…you’re leaving soaking wet!
Davo and I got there in time to see Relentless, a mainstay of Sydney hardcore, start their set, but unfortunately they only seemed to get to play about 4 songs before they were told “one more song”. This was apparently their first show in about a year, but they were as tight as ever!
For Relentless’ set I was able to use my flash, but just before Terror took the stage, I was told that I couldn’t use my flash for Terror or STYG. This meant relaying on the stage lighting which wasn’t particularly helpful. But I just bumped the ISO and got what I could.
Terror took to stage and unleashed absolute chaos! Scott Vogel incited so much stage diving the security guards had trouble keeping up catching everyone! This was the first time Terror had been in Australia for about 4-5 years and you could tell they were making up for lost time!
Just when you thought you couldn’t sweat anymore, STYG hit the stage and somehow everyone’s bodies continued to pour out sweat! It was like Jesse Barnett was the conductor and the 550-capacity room were the choir. There were sing-alongs, middle fingers held high and plenty of mic grabs!
It was so humid and sweat, with peoples arms constantly coming into contact with my lens that towards the end of STYG’s set, the front of my lens was covered in sweat. This meant photos started to get a bit of a soft focus glow to them, which I actually really liked the look of!
Both STYG and Terror were incredibly tight, and the sound was massive! A great night all round!
Let me know what you think.