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“My focus is to capture the human spirit and emotion so that people can imagine themselves in these subject’s shoes as if they were there…and this was their reality.”
— Renée C. Byer
Documentary photography is a medium that I absolutely love! It captures people, a time and place in a way no other style does. Like photojournalism, documentary photography can intrigue the viewer to ask questions, have something unknown revealed to them or simply freeze a moment in time that will never be relived.
The ability to place yourself in a moment, to be present and available to a chance encounter is part of the excitement and allure of documentary photography. It’s an incredibly powerful tool to tell a story and one that will always be part of my work.
“Working with a team to create an image or a look is something that really resonates with me.”
— James Hartley
I’ve always been fascinated by fashion and brand photography. From those who shoot elaborate high fashion, producing incredible stylised photos with huge budgets & big teams, all the way to those who are forced to think outside the box, utilising the D.I.Y. attitude of no budget shoots with emerging brands.
Of particular note has been my ongoing collaboration with IRRELEVANT SOCIETY. More than being a brand that simply makes awesome stuff, they are seeking to see societal change. Their aim from the start has been to raise awareness, educate and support the movement around domestic and family violence. 20% of the profits go to partner organisations and all clothing is 100% ethically sourced & made.
“The world just does not fit conveniently into the format of a 35mm camera.”
— W. Eugene Smith
The first photos I ever took were analogue thanks to my dad. He was, and still is, a lover of photography and for a period even owned a photo lab. There’s a distinct advantage you have when your dad owns a photo lab, not least the fact that producing and printing your own photos becomes a lot cheaper! And so, for as long as I can remember we always had 35mm SLRs, DSLRs and the plastic-fantastic disposable cameras. Dad no longer owns a photo lab, but, I still have a passion for shooting 35mm and 120mm film.
“A great photo doesn’t have to have someone famous in it. It just has to evoke some sort of response from the viewer.”
— Kane Hibbard
I’m convinced everyone has seen a photo of a musician or band that has captivated them. Be it the capturing of a moment in time of an elaborate theatrical performance, the emotional transparency of an artist or that split second of incredible engagement with the audience, music photography always elicits a response from the viewer.
My own love for music photography started while playing in bands, going on tour and learning from other mates. No show is ever exactly the same as the last and that’s what makes it exciting and forces you to try new things and think creatively about what and how you’re shooting.
“When I say I want to photograph someone, what it really means is that I’d like to know them. Anyone I know I photograph.”
— Annie Leibovitz
I find the power of someone’s photo and the secrets it holds incredible. Instead of telling the story, I want to show it, or at least part of it. I love to shoot photos of people that give a glimpse into someone else’s world and cause the viewer to ask questions and be drawn into someone else’s story. A photo is never just a photo, there is always a story behind it, just as each person has a story behind them. I believe that we are a story formed people, and therefore, everyone’s story is worth hearing and sharing.
“I want to make photographs that will show you looking amazing and create a sense of nostalgia that will bring you back to those moments for years to come.”
— Benj Haisch
Everyone has a wedding story, whether it’s from your own or someone else’s, wedding memories last a life time. Long after the day has passed, people reminisce, re-tell stories from the day and remember those unique moments with laughter and happiness.
The type of photos I want to create when shooting weddings are ones that partner with those memories and stories that were experienced and now recalled fondly.